Founded in December 2014 for the dissemination of modern knowledge about the "Human functional-vegetative system" (biophysical analogue of "acupuncture channels" of traditional Zhenjiu therapy). For the purpose of scientific and practical support of the State Program "Two-stage system of rehabilitation of vegetative disorders in children living in the zone of radiation (ecological) control of Ukraine" (Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 1861/4 and № 2010/87). It publishes the materials of the dissertation research, which are substantiated by vegetative diagnostics and are related to the following problems:

1) "Traditional Tshen-tszyu therapy (reality, theoretical and practical errors)";

2) "Functional-age vegetology (unknown acupuncture as a modern section of classical physiology)"; 

3) "Bioactivation rehabilitation without the use of external sources of current".   

    The European Scientific-Production Consortium, the European, Ukrainian and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences have developed directions recognized as the school of science of prof. V.G. Makats (Ukraine, Vinnytsia).   For a significant contribution to the development of world science, they were awarded with scientific awards: the orders of "labore et scientia" with phianites, the Order of "Rhymus inter pares", the Order of the "Star of Erzgamma (Light of Truth)" and the medals "Academician V. Vernadsky" and "A. Nobel". Information was included in the encyclopedia "Prominent Russian Scientists" and "Russian Scientific Schools."


      The ideology of the international scientific journal is aimed at: 1) to disseminate information about the biophysical reality of the traditional "acupuncture channels" of Chinese Tshen-tszyu therapy, their systemic dependence, vegetative essence and experimentally proved traditional theoretical errors; 2) on consolidation of thematic scientific and experimental research on the trend "Problems of clinical and rehabilitation vegetology". With great respect for the Eastern Teachers, the journal draws attention to the fact that forgotten knowledge of the previous civilizations must become clear and accessible through their scientific adaptation.

    The journal publishes the materials of the dissertation research based on "vegetative diagnostics" and are related to the problem of functional age-related vegetology, modern rehabilitation algorithms and functional-ecological expertise of regions of compact residence of child population (vegetative dispensary). The Expert Council is respectful to possible opponents and welcomes open expediently argued discussion of the raised issues.

     Industry and issues.  The structure of the magazine includes the following areas: "Problems of traditional Tshen-tszyu therapy (modern functional age-related vegetology)"; "Problems of bioactive and functional-vegetative rehabilitation"; "Vegetative problems of physical, physiotherapeutic and sanatorium-resort rehabilitation"; "Problems of functional-ecological expertise and environmental certification of child population of Ukraine living in the regions affected by the disaster at the ChNPP (Functional-vegetative dispensary)".

    The practical task of the magazine is the necessity of training of the relevant specialists to ensure the implementation of the State Program "A two-stage system of rehabilitation of vegetative disorders in children living in the zone of radiation (ecological) control of Ukraine" (Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1861/4 and No.12010/87) and the creation of a private vegetative and rehabilitation network for the controlled preservation of the Genetic Fund of Ukraine. This is aimed at the ideology of the magazine and resources of the "European Center for Postgraduate Education of Physicians" (GO Ukrainian National Academy of Natural Sciences).

    Access to the magazine is free through the registration of interested specialists. Possible subscription for paid mailing materials.

Policy of the chapters issued since 2018 


 Manuscript admission  Indexed  Reviewed

TSHEN-TSZYU therapy (identification of AC, reality, mistakes, problems)

 Manuscript admission  Indexed  Reviewed

DIAGNOSTICS (functional-vegetative diagnostics without the use of external sources of power)

 Manuscript admission  Indexed  Reviewed

SYSTEM (functional-vegetative)

 Manuscript admission  Indexed  Reviewed

COMPLEXES (functional-vegetative)

 Manuscript admission  Indexed  Reviewed

MATRIX (functional-vegetative)

 Manuscript admission  Indexed  Reviewed

VEGETOLOGY (functional age-related)

 Manuscript admission  Indexed  Reviewed

PATHOGENESIS (functional vegetative)

 Manuscript admission  Indexed  Reviewed

CLINIC (functional-vegetative rehabilitation)

 Manuscript admission  Indexed  Reviewed

EXPERTISE (functional-ecological)

 Manuscript admission  Indexed  Reviewed

RESEARCH PAPERS (issues, feedback)

 Manuscript admission  Indexed  Reviewed

     Review process

     Review process. The editorial board of the maga-zine includes well-known scientists in their fields, mainly doctors of sciences. The composition of the editorial board is being constantly updated. In its current composition are 22 doctors of sci-ences (specialists in medical, rehabilitation, envi-ronmental and technical fields). Among them there are three experts of the higher level of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, repre-sentatives of scientific schools of Ukraine, Bela-rus, Bulgaria, Poland, Israel and the USA.

Since its foundation, the editorial board provides an independent blind revision of manuscript articles, and since January 2018, the revision is paid.

Since the day the journal was founded, articles were reviewed and prepared for publication of each issue of the journal in the following sequence:

  • checking the requirements for the structure and registration of the article;
  • preliminary review of the manuscript and referral to one of the members of the editorial board or on the recommendation of a member of the editorial board responsible for this scientific direction, to another well-known scholar on the subject of the article;
  • reviewing of the article (maximum term is a month) and, if there are any comments, directed to the authors for revision;
  • formation of the next issue of the magazine with updated articles by the authors of the positively recertified articles and final approval of its con-tent by the editor-in-chief.

Frequency of publication

The publication of articles in the international electronic scientific journal "Modern Rehabilita-tion Technologies" is systematic (as the reviewed scientific articles are accepted for publication). 

Open Access Policy

This electronic journal practices the policy of im-mediate open access to published content, sup-porting the principles of the free dissemination of scientific information and the global exchange of knowledge for general social progress.

Layout and website

Information editing and publishing center VNTU, publishing house "Scientific initiative of the Ukrainian National Academy of Natural Sciences" [21036, Vinnytsia, st. Tramvaina Street, 28; tel .: (0432) 43-94-80; mob tel. 097-677-95-94; e-mail].

Financing of the magazine


Ukrainian National Academy of Nature Sciences (European Center for Postgraduate Education of Physicians), Computer Information and Publishing Center "Scientific Initiatives" [st. Tramvaina, 28, Vinnytsia, 21036, tel. (0432) 43-94-80, cell. 38 097-677-95-94 Ukrainian National Academy of Natural Sciences

Ukrainian national academy of natural sciences


Vinnytsia National Technical University

Vinnytsia National Technical University