
Makats V.G. MD, professor (European centre for postgraduate education of doctors of the PO the “Ukrainian national Academy of Natural Sciences"). Expert of the highest level of NAS of Ukraine.
The European Scientific and Production Consortium, the Ukrainian, European and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences developed directions recognized by the school of science prof. V.G.Makats (Ukraine, Vinnytsia). Marked by scientific awards for a significant contribution to the development of world science. The information was included in the encyclopedia "Prominent Russian scientists" and "Russian scientific schools".
Scientific Information (contemporary edition)…
Bases of functional vegetology (unknown chinese acupuncture). Vol.5 - Vinnytsia: “Naukova Initsiatyva”, Editorial office “Nilan Ltd.”, 2018. – 152 Р. ISBN 978-617-7706-69-3
The monograph contains the basic provisions of the new scientific and practical direction. It is based on the identification of the biophysical reality of "acupuncture channels" and their direct relation to the vegetative homeostasis. The real mechanisms of functional-vegetative pathogenesis are considered. The developed direction transforms the hypothetical positions of the Eastern Therapeutic Philosophy into modern evidentiary medicine and requires its place in system physiology. The book is addressed to scholars, students of medical schools and general practitioners who are interested in modern rehabilitation technologies....
The textbook is recommended as the main book for medical colleges and higher educational institutions on the basis of the conclusions of seminars that were conducted according to the order of the Department of science and technologies of the Ministry of science and education of Ukraine (№13/5-100, 11.12.2000).
Review of the book "Fundamentals of functional vegetology (unknown Chinese acupuncture)" Volume V (group of authors: Makats V.G., Makats E.F., Makats D.V., Makats D.V.).
Professor Makats V.G. and his co-authors (Ukraine) are known for their many years of research in the field of modern scientific and practical problems of Tshen-tszyu therapy. They published more than 30 books in Russian, Ukrainian and English. Information on the most recent of them, published by the Vinnytsia Publishing House "Scientific Initiative", Editorial Board of Nilan-LTD in 2018.6 ISBN 978-617-7706-69-3 readers can find out from the short review provided.
The experimental material of the monograph and its analytical review are of professional interest. A very great useful work was done to check the fundamental provisions of eastern medicine and their rather comprehensive analysis. The functional-vegetative system, which was discovered and interpreted by Ukrainian scientists, is the most important system linking the organism into a single whole. An experimental verification of the basic provisions of eastern medicine (the biophysical reality of the "acupuncture channels" and their systemic dependence) showed that many interactions between the channels are not true. This group of authors made a great contribution as a researcher of oriental medicine. There is no doubt the authors' position that traditional oriental knowledge should be understood through their scientific adaptation and evidence-based medicine.
I consider it useful that all reflexologists and doctors of other profiles be acquainted with this information. On the basis of the conducted researches it is necessary to publish methodical recommendations and to publish a popular book (interest in oriental medicine is constantly growing).
Professor Glickman EA, President of the International Academy of Acupuncture, Psychopuncture and Oriental Medicine "Yin and Yang", Academician of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, Honorary Scientist of Europe.
Russian Federation, Moscow, 19.09.2018