Author Guidelines
The editorial board of the journal "Modern Rehabilitation Technologies" accepts manuscripts of the dissertation research on emerging innovation directions: 1 – vegetative issues of the traditional Tshen-tszyu therapy (acupuncture); 2 – issues of functional age-related vegetology; 3 – issues of vegetative rehabilitation (bioactivation, functional, physical and sanatorium-resort); 4 – issues of vegetative registry of the child population and functional vegetative expertise of the regions of radiation control of Ukraine (functional clinical examination); 5 - means and issues of integral functional-vegetative diagnostics.
In order to be able to submit articles to the journal and to check the current status of your submissions, you must log in to the site as a registered user.
The manuscripts should be structured in accordance with the following requirements.
Article structure
According to DSTU 8302: 2015 «System of Information, Library and Publishing Standards - Bibliographic Record - Bibliographic Description - General Requirements and Rules of Composition». In order to provide practical assistance to authors in compiling a list of references according to the new standard, we give examples of its design..
The article should begin with an introduction that is understandable to a wide range of specialists in the field of science. The introduction contains:
- problem statement and its connection with scientific or practical tasks;
- analysis of researches and publications in which the problem solving was initiated and on which the author relies;
- allocation of unresolved parts of the general problem;
- formulation of the purpose of the article.
The volume of the article: up to 15 pages, depending on the volume of the submitted information (the volume of proof material is not limited).
The editorial office must receive: – a printed copy of the manuscript of the article, signed by all authors; – an electronic version of the manuscript of the article (CD or send by e-mail to the editorial office of the journal); – accompanying documents. The manuscript should be thoroughly checked and signed by all authors.
Submission rules and article structure
The first copy of the article should be written in Ukrainian (the second in English translation). Both copies are printed on one side of sheets of A4 form (fields: 2.25 cm to the left, 2.25 cm to the right, 2 cm above and below).
1. It is advisable to apple the text editor Microsoft Office Word and use the font Times New Roman to prepare the article, size 11 pt. with a single line spacing. All pages of the manuscript should be written in the bottom center (Arial, 10 pt).
2. Structure of the article
2.1. In the upper left corner of the manuscript for the Ukrainian version of the journal, specify the UDC index (Times New Roman, 11 pt,).
2.2.1. The initials and surnames of the authors - are in bold type, each with a new line (Times New Roman, 13 pt, on the right);
2.2.2. The title of the article - bold, large letters, centered (Times New Roman, 13 pt);
2.2.3. From the new line - the names of the institutions where the authors work (Times New Roman, 11 pt, in the center);
2.2.4. From the new line - abstract of the article (Arial, 9.5 pt, Italics, in width of the page);
2.2.5. From the new line under the annotation (bold type) "Keywords:" is a list of keywords (Arial, 9.5 pt, in the width of a hundred-line).
2.3.1. From the new line — Introduction (all sub-titles in the article are Times New Roman, 13 pt, in bold type letters, centered, indentations on top and bottom are 8 pt.).
2.3.2. The main text of the article is then given - The results of the research (Times New Roman, 13 pt, the width of the page, with a single interval of at least 12).
2.3.3. Conclusions
2.4. The following is a LIST OF REFERENCES, issued in accordance with DSTU 8302: 2016 (see examples), in the form of a general list, which is made up of the references in the text (or in alphabetical order). In the text of the manuscript references to literature are taken in square brackets, for example [1,2]. References to unpublished works are not admissible. Internet links in the text are accompanied by complete correct URLs.
Further authors provide:
2.5. Full name of the department (section) recommending the article before its publication (Times New Roman, 10 pt, left).
2.6. Information about the authors (in Ukrainian): surname, first name, middle name (without abbreviations, Bold, Italics), scientific degree, academic rank, position, full name of the institution, city, e-mail address of the author responsible for the article (Times New Roman, 10 pt., on the left side).
2.7. Then in English and Russian all the elements from the sections 2.2, 2.6. are listed.
3. The International System of Units (CI) should be used in the article.
4. Formulas are typed in the formulas editor (Equation 3.0 or MathType) using Latin and Greek letters. It is not allowed to use the Cyrillic letters, especially, in indices. Each formula is gathered as one object (full-11 pt; subscript - 8 pt; subscript / superscript - 6 pt; symbol - 10 pt). To indicate variables in the text, do not use the formula editor except where necessary (for example, a variable with both upper and lower indices).
5. Illustrations should be included in the text of the article after the first reference to it.
6. Each table should have a heading and a number.
- Author's note.
- The reference of the expert commission concerning the absence in the manuscript of information prohibited for publication in open press.
The articles may be amended in the editorial style without the consent of the author.The authors are not paid for their maniscripts.The final decision on the publication of articles is taken by the editorial board (expert) of the journal.
Publication fees
Articles of scientists of the Ukrainian National Academy of Natural Sciences and VNTU are published free of charge. Articles of scientists of other institutions, organizations and enterprises are published on the terms of providing paid services.
After approval by the editorial board of the content of the journal, the authors send letters to the electronic address with the amount of the fee, details and payment deadline.
Privacy Statement. Names and emails of users are for internal logical technical tasks only. They will not be posted or transmitted to third parties.